Owner of Soul Studio
Certified ZUMBA Instructor

Certified Group Fitness Instructor
Stephanie "Princess" is native to Las Cruces. She has developed a large following through extensive years of helping people on their fitness journey; she has done this through group fitness and involvement in local marathons. Stephanie promotes health, fitness, self-care and using exercise as a form of stress release and self-love. She is an influential leader building a happy and health community. Her classes are packed with energy and hype; you better come ready to sweat!
Certified Yoga Instructor
Nancy Portillo's transformative journey with yoga began in 2015, when she stumbled upon ButiYoga, a practice that ignited a profound change in her life. Embracing the fusion of movement, creativity, energetic beats, and self empowerment that ButiYoga embodied, Nancy found her sanctuary on the mat, allowing her to flourish. As she delved deeper into her personal practice, she felt an irresistible pull to share the gifts of yoga with others, inspiring her to pursue her 200 Hour RYT through ButiYoga. Believing that yoga is a dynamic form of meditation, Nancy empowers her students with the tools of positive thinking, a holistic mind-body-spirit connection, and an energetic physical outlet. Her teachings encourage students to approach the practice space with vulnerability and openness, letting go of comparisons and judgments, and leaving with hearts filled with acceptance and self-love.
Nancy's passion for ButiYoga and her commitment to spreading its empowering philosophy have made her an influential figure in the yoga community. With boundless enthusiasm and a nurturing spirit, she continues to guide her students on a transformative path, enabling them to discover their inner strength and embrace their authenticity. Nancy's unwavering belief in the power of yoga as a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery has touched the lives of many, making her a cherished mentor and beacon of inspiration for those seeking to embark on their own yoga journey.

Certified Dance Instructor
Daymeon Leon Rembert is an artist, illustrator, actor, performer, capoeria practioner and dancer hailing from Arizona. A native of Sierra Vista but transplant to Douglas, Daymeon has been engulfed in the hip hop scene since the 90s; dancing and performing along with studying West African Dance and Capoeria; a Brazilian Martial Art often mistaken for a style of Dance. Throughout the years, he has ventured into different forms of dance and has explored various cultures and genres. He has developed a unique class incorporating hip-hop, pop'n'lock, and house. He is a creative soul who shares his art-form through step-by-step instruction making his class welcoming to all levels of Dancers from beginner to advanced.